Environmental Policy

As a management consultancy utilising associates from across Europe we have developed and apply an appropriate environmental policy which is both practical and manageable. We recognise the need to identify the aspects of our operations which can have an impact on the environment including the impact the solutions we provide can have when used by our clients.

We will meet or improve upon all legal and other requirements applicable to the markets and sectors in which we operate. We will consider our environmental responsibilities in our decision making processes. We have procedures in place within our Management System which are designed to comply with the main requirements of ISO14001:2015.

Our key environmental objectives are:

  • Re-use all printer paper for note taking
  • Re-cycle all paper through approved schemes including local council roadside collections where they exist.
  • Re-cycle all printer cartridges and where possible use recycled / refilled toner and ink cartridges.
  • To use electronic communications where possible
  • Review computer and printer purchases for energy usage & efficiency. We use low energy bulbs where appropriate.
  • Consider how we travel to client sites – Travel is unavoidable in the type of work that we do, but we aim to consider methods of travel with the least carbon footprint wherever practical.

We communicate this policy to our staff and customers through our website and all Associates are asked to adhere to this environmental policy in the locations in which they are based.