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Business Excellence

Here at Ley Hill Solutions, we have years of experience helping organisations select the right methodology and implement these frameworks to assess and recognise performance, but also to integrate the principles and practice into their day-to-day operations. These frameworks are just a few examples of the many approaches available to organisations seeking to achieve business excellence. Each framework has its own unique focus and methodology, but they share a common goal of driving organisational improvement, enhancing performance, and delivering value to stakeholders.

EFQM Excellence Model

  1. The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) developed this model in 1991 as a framework for organisational self-assessment and as a blueprint for achieving sustainable excellence. It encompasses various aspects of an organisation, including leadership, strategy, people, partnerships, resources, processes, products, services and performance results under the three pillars of Direction, Execution and Results and uses a bespoke RADAR tool for assessing the organisation.

The International Customer Experience Institute (ICXI)

  1. ICXI uses a series of Navigators, Frameworks and Standards to improve customer experiences in a wide range of sectors and is a global leader in promoting and establishing customer service excellence.  It provides the foundation for management systems that support the delivery of consistent and predictable customer experiences whilst adapting to the dynamic global market.

Continuous Improvement

  1. These approaches have their roots in various management philosophies and practices that emerged throughout the 20th century. Quality management pioneers like W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and Armand Feigenbaum emphasized the significance of quality in production processes. They introduced concepts such as statistical process control (SPC), quality circles, and the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle to enhance product and service quality. They aim to create a culture where leadership empowers all employees to enhance their work, resulting in increased efficiency, employee motivation, customer satisfaction, and cost-effective processes.

Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence

  1. The Baldrige Excellence Framework is a comprehensive set of criteria for organizational performance excellence. Named after Malcolm Baldrige, the former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, the framework focuses on key areas such as leadership, strategy, customers, measurement, analysis, knowledge management, workforce, operations, and results. It has been widely used since 1988 in the United States and has influenced similar models in other countries.

Lean & Six Sigma

  1. Originating from the Toyota Production System (TPS), lean manufacturing focused on eliminating waste, improving efficiency, and maximizing value for customers. Key principles include just-in-time production, continuous flow, and respect for people. Six Sigma was developed by Motorola and popularized by companies like General Electric, it is a data-driven methodology aimed at reducing defects and variation in processes. It emphasizes rigorous problem-solving using statistical tools and a structured approach called DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control).

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